Thursday, July 22, 2010

The Tempest

Week 3: class is getting super boring. We used to start off each class with an "ice breaker" like "what's your favorite movie?" but everyone is so indecisive that by the time it got around to the end of the table it was "what's a recent movie that you have seen?" or "any movie you have seen." So now we have moved into more of an opinionated ice breaker, which by the time you get to the end of the table every possible opinion has been said so everyone ends up agreeing. Recently, we have come to reading the table of contents of our previous contracts textbook out loud. "Chapter Five: Breach of Contract... frustration of purpose... impossibility." Seriously. Then we go through the chapter that we read for this class and the professor goes through each section of the chapter and asks if anyone found this section interesting. "Chapter Eight: Finding the terms of the contract... section 1- the terms of the contract... did anyone find anything interesting here... no? ok next section... finding and interpreting express terms... anyone? no?" Like literally- Ferris Beuller... anyone... anyone. Oh and we have a midterm exam on Thursday and no has a clue what will be on it. We are dying. Everyone's pretty much given up on lunch also. I'm not sure if lasagna and potatoes are what you want to eat everyday. BUT there's hope! Kathryn discovered this adorable delicatessen across from the school called Olive's that has sandwiches and salads that has pretty much become our staple. We had our second High Table which was nice because we got to have the champagne reception in the Fellow's Garden since it wasn't raining. Side note- I really expected more rain but it has been awesome weather and pretty sunny most of the time we have been here! (knock on wood...) Oh except that on Thursday it poured raining after lunch for like 5 minutes in which Drew bit it and ripped his dress pants in 3 places. We are going to London on Monday for our legal London tour.

Our speaker this week at high table was Dorota (um... yes like gossip girl!) who is a Polish research student who has been at Oxford for like forever. We also got to go to Wadham College on Wednesday to watch the Tempest which was really neat! They performed it in the round with minimal props so it was very interesting. I got to see a lot of Oxford this week- Kathryn, Audrey, and I wen tot the top of St. Mary's church and took pictures of the city and walked around Christ Church Meadow and Merton Field where they have all kinds of neat stuff like cows, honey bees, and punting (like canoeing on the River Thames) and thus I discovered my new running place. Especially because we have decided to head to Majorca, Spain (or Mallorca in Spanish/Catalan) this weekend to go to the beach! It's an island next to Ibiza off the coast of Spain near Barcelona and even though its a trek to get there, the pictures look absolutely gorgeous! We are also planning on staying the night in London on Sunday so that we can just meet up with the group on Monday morning for Legal London. So excited!
Halfway over? I can't believe it!!

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