Monday, August 2, 2010

Alex in Wonderland

Yes, I couldn't resist the cheesy title!
After a long week 4, I decided to stay in Oxford for the weekend because I still felt like I really hadn't seen everything I wanted to yet! Audrey's boyfriend Howard came in town Wednesday and we got a group together to go to All Bar One for happy hour wine and apps. The whole group had gone punting down the River Thames- kind of like canoeing meets gondolas! We all went to an amazing dinner at Jaime's Italian (Jaime Oliver's restaurant- time #3 and still yummy!) and then grabbed pints at the White Horse pub. After pencing wars commenced and many pints had to be chugged (if someone drops a pence in your beer, you are required to chug it in order to "save the queen" from drowning), being loud Americans, volume levels escalated- not mine of course because I am a lady- but needless to say, it was clear that we were unwanted in the cute little English pub and needed to find a more suitable venue. So we trekked down to the Turl and sat outside for another round of drinks and after my first Guinness- of which I had to ignore the pence at the bottom- yours truly had to walk home early (or be escorted by Drew) due to one too many pints. Class Thursday morning was not fun, but I got to curl up in bed all afternoon.
Saturday, I spent the day doing touristy things. I visited the Covered Market and bought little gifts for my fam and then walked down the streets to the Museum of Oxford. Snooze. I'm totally a sucker for everything Alice in Wonderland and as it was written here, and based on Christ Church, everything is Alice. LOVE. But the Museum was totally boring so I decided to walk through Christ Church Meadows and see the Alice and Wonderland gardens. In front of the Botanical Gardens is Rose Lane where they have a maze full of all different types of roses. Its absolutely gorgeous and looks like it jumped off the page of a children's book. I toured the Botanical Gardens, which have been there for forever, many scientists and scholars used to go and study and sketch all of the different species, but lets be honest- what girl doesn't love flowers so I took about a million pictures trying to get new backgrounds for my MacBook and my iPhone. There's thousands and thousands of exotic flowers all with small plaques denoting their species, along with ponds and benches and greenhouses and its set up against the river. It was sooo pretty and def one of my new favorite places in the world!
George, Alison and I met up to get dinner at Fire & Stone- delish pizza- and see Inception at the local movie theater. Loved Inception but all of the thinking to try to follow along totally fried my brain! I took Sunday to finally catch up with all of the reading I have been supposed to be doing while I've been here so it was so nice to stay in Oxford and not spend the weekend frantically traveling! And with exams rapidly closing in and papers due every week, honestly I'd like to leave with some decent grades as a souvenir.

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